TEACH FIRST & Schools Direct Teaching Programmes
TEACH FIRST Training Programme 
The Viking Academy Trust is proud to work in partnership with 'Teach First'. Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate Arts Primary and Upton Junior School all offer TEACH FIRST placements,
Our country needs teachers, now more than ever. Join our most important cohort for a generation. Places for our 2022-2023 Training Programme now open.
- Earn a salary and pay no fees
- Gain internationally recognised teacher training qualifications
- Make a difference in the classroom from day one
- Expert support from your school and from us
- Develop skills all employers are looking for
- Join a community of recent graduates and career changers
Two years (Optional third year to complete Masters)
Five weeks introductory training, and then start in the classroom
Tips and info for your application
Click here for further information
School Direct Teacher Training
n this section you can find all the information that you need to make an application to train to be a teacher in a Viking Academy Trust school.
1 - Apply early as places go very quickly!
2 - Get Skills tests completed as soon as you can.
3 - Check that you are eligible for the training.
4 - Only apply through UCAS, no CV's sent directly to us will be accepted
What is School Direct?
The School Direct programme allows schools to recruit and train their own teachers. It gives schools the freedom to:
- decide who they want to recruit and how
- decide which subjects they want to train someone in
- decide in which school phase (i.e. primary, secondary or middle-deemed) they want to train someone
- employ the teachers they have trained in their school or in a school to which they are linked
School Direct at Viking Academy Trust
Chilton Primary School, Ramsgate Arts Primary and Upton Junior School all offer School Direct placements, on the salaried and non-salaried route.
School Direct training will be delivered by experienced and highly skilled teachers and this will be enhanced by attendance at Canterbury Christchurch University for Core Subject Days.
The level of guidance and advice that trainees receive is of an exceptionally high standard and we pride ourselves in the successful relationships we foster with trainee teachers.
In addition to this you will be part of a strong team of trainees who will meet regularly to train, share experiences and build on good teaching practice through the Viking Academy Trust.
Why train with us?
School Direct at Viking Academy Trust provides school based learning opportunities with exceptional levels of support and guidance. We create an environment in which staff, pupils and trainee teachers all feel valued and supported and this leads to a school culture of enthusiasm, commitment and achievement.
The Partnership of schools comprises a mixture of large and small, urban primary schools. We provide a unique opportunity to experience a diverse and contrasting range of teaching and training. Our Teachers have a proven track record in training and professional development and all our trainees receive the highest level of continual support throughout their training. This covers all aspects of teaching life from behaviour management skills, subject knowledge, professional enrichment, AEN, inclusion and pastoral care. All trainees have the opportunity to work closely with an experienced mentor and will become part of the school ethos from the first day of entry.
School Direct at Viking Academy Trust works in partnership with Canterbury Christchurch University and Viking Academy Trust students can either work towards Qualified Teacher Status or to Postgraduate level.
Applications for School Direct places with EKLA for September 2022 |
Applications for 2022-23 places are managed by UCAS through a single admissions system.
Applications for School Direct Trainees to start in September 2022 open from October 2021
Please follow this link for detailed information: http://www.ucas.com/how-it-all-works/teacher-training
More details to follow.
For more information about School Direct placements and funding arrangements please visit: http://www.ekla.org.uk/itt/school-direct
UCAS Teacher Training How it all Works