Early career teachers
Viking Academy Trust is proud of the investment it makes in ensuring the EARLY CAREER TEACHER (ECT) support programme provided for new teachers joining the profession is first class.
Joining a Viking school to launch your teaching career will ensure you receive an inspirational, supportive mentoring programme to guide you through the challenge of your first two years in teaching.
We won't say it will be easy and we won't say it won't have its challenges BUT we do promise you that it will be hugely rewarding and you will end the year so proud of your achievements.
Team Viking will be there to support you as you begin your teaching career, with our two years ECT induction programme. Our collaborative approach to mentoring will ensure the very best Viking teachers will be on hand to share their experience with you - not just in one school but across the Trust.
To find out more, please contact Lisa Blatchford in the first instance: HRD@vikingacademytrust.com